Thursday, November 5, 2009

Why Free?

• The music industry is in upheaval.

• Many of the traditional avenues that artists have relied on to make money are disappearing.

• Most people nowadays are completely used to downloading their music, and in many cases, for free.

So as a musician and band, what the hell do we do?


Months before we finished the album, I began thinking about how I was going to put out this new album, and what was most important to me.

After some careful consideration, it came down to one question:

"Do I want to make money off of this, or do I want get the music out to as many people as possible?"

Well, to me the answer is simple. Option 2.

Why option 2?

We all care passionately about the music we create, and our highest aspiration is not to make a million dollars, but instead to affect people's lives emotionally, and profoundly.

So I thought to myself, "what's the biggest barrier for people when considering whether or not to buy something?"

We are in a tough economy, and money is tight for all of us.

So... price obviously.

"Since money is not my priority, what if the album was free?"

Kind of hard to find a reason not to at least give it a try then, right?

And that's when I got excited.

How cool is that to release something you put five years of hard work into for no cost at all?

It made sense to me, and so far it seems to be making sense to many other people.

My reasons are perfectly summed up in a comment made on our Facebook page by our new friend Alex:

"Its really amazing that after all the work... your willing to share it with us all for free...although that doesn't mean I have forgotten about giving you guys a fat donation, "fat" in college student standards lol... but it does mean I can share the album with my broke ass friends back home who quite frankly blow"

Thanks Alex! Heh heh.

This quote perfectly illustrates why I've chosen to give the album away.

I want people to make copies of it for friends. I want people to give it out to others, or hand out the link to the website. I want people to discover something they never knew existed. In essence, I want people to really hear this, to experience it.

I mean, what good is having a great piece of art if you can't share it with the world?

Well, world. Take it. Experience it. Share it (assuming even you want to).

I hope you are all gradually discovering and enjoying some of the many secrets Moira's Lake holds for you.

And of course, if you do feel that we provided you with an excellent experience, we always appreciate that 20% gratuity! ;)

... or not.


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