Monday, November 23, 2009

Passing 350 Downloads

In only 3 weeks we have now exceeded the 350 download mark for our brand new album Moira's Lake!

Obviously this is a great thing, and we are all very proud and thankful to everyone who has downloaded the album so far! Maybe one or two of you even liked it! (Imagine that! ... actually, I can't).

As per usual, if you've been a slacker and still have not downloaded it, go to and get it. It's god damn fucking free god damn it! Shit!

We've been getting some great comments so far about people's experiences with the music.

"Incredible album, Niko and co. Like any good infection, it continues to grow on you more and more until it consumes you. But unlike most other infections, this is actually one I welcome." -Ken

"Well, I gotta say... As a fan of Empyreal Progeny I didn't know what to think about Moira's Lake... But now after a few listens, I absolutely love it. Incredible. Keep up the good work =]" -Kyle

"It's one huge heap of music to let sink in. It's taken me about a week, but it's really grabbed hold and won't let go. You've produced what is, in my opinion, one of this year's best albums. I really like what you guys have put together here. I've been spinning this thing like twice a day!" -Chris

Thanks to everyone who has written us and shared their impressions and experiences with Moira! Of course, we'd love to hear from more of you. Please, tell us about your experiences with the world of Moira's Lake on our facebook page.


In addition to the many humble folks who have posted on our facebook and emailed me with their comments, I need to mention some of the sources that have helped us get to the 350+ mark so far.

Scout on the Progulus Radio forums. Thanks for the mention buddy!

Bill at Prog Rock And Metal Radio. Thanks for hosting Moira's Lake on your station!

And again to Chris on the Perpetual Motion boards for pushing extra hard to get people's attention for us! Thanks again Chris!


Yes, it's great that we've passed 350 downloads so quickly, but in truth our numbers are fading fast.

We could really use your help!

If you've downloaded the album and enjoyed the music, perhaps post a facebook link with a little description about the album for your friends, or blog about Moira's Lake, or tell a friend or two to download the album.

We would appreciate anything you can/will do.

Thanks again for all the support so far! You've helped make everything worth it for all of us!

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