Friday, October 23, 2009

Hernia 2: A Love Story (My Battle With The Health Care System)

This post is not about music, but it's about me, and guess what? I make music. I also happen to be a guy with a band that starts with an "E".

I realized I never posted the link to my edge-of-your-seat thrill-ride that was my battle with the medical system. (I know you were all waited with bated breath).

Some of have already read my overly-dramatic retelling of the events, but there are a few of you who may be interested in following the year-long gripping adventure of my shitty luck with health care and near-death.

  1. I warn you, it's a two-parter.
  2. It requires you to read actual words then understand their meaning in a sentence.
  3. There may be some deftly-placed swear words.
  4. There may be some witty humor mixed with emotional vulnerability.

Still interested? No? Figured. Here it is anyway:

Hernia 2: A Love Story part 1

Hernia 2: A Love Story part 2

Thanks for reading and/or giving a shit (or not).

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