Saturday, June 28, 2008

3rd album progress report: Bass, etc

Greetings again mouskateers,

Although John is not quite finished recording all of the rhythm tracks (he's slow, I know) we have started our first bass session with Bryan.

Things went very well (I think), and I aim to get things done quicker then the pace of the guitars. One thing I aim to do on this album is to have the bass take a more active role and really try and put some great, interesting and at times, showy bass lines in there. The more ear candy, the better.

The exciting thing for me is that after putting this album on the back burner for a while due to life getting in the way, now we are really attacking the recording of this with a very ambitious pace. Here is what I mean:

As opposed to doing each element separately, we are now doing them simultaneously (which by the way, sounds sexier too).

Weekends are reserved for guitars, which at this point we have one last song for rhythm guitars left, then a pass with acoustic, then finally, leads and solos.

During the week we will record the bass, which we only started.

Between bouts of that, I am reworking all of the original keyboard parts and re-recording them.

On top of that I have been revising my final pass of lyrics, and should be able to start vocal takes in the next few weeks.

So, a lot of stuff lined up. Although we are all getting restless and want it to be done as soon as possible, I think you will all agree that the most important thing is that it is done well, not fast.

I'll post again, once more significant accomplishments are made.

Thanks for sticking with me over all these years. I hope this album will be as impactful to you as it already is to us.

Soon my pretties, soon.

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