Monday, May 19, 2008

Guitar recording underway for 3rd album

Yesterday, we completed the 2nd day of guitar recording out of what is sure to be a decent amount of days in total.

At the moment, John and I are only able to work on the weekends, mostly due to his work schedule, but also in part because he wants to have the whole week to make sure he is playing the parts as accurately as possible.

We worked on the 3rd song on the album this time, and it proved to be a much bigger challenge and frustration for him then he intended/wanted. There are some really crazy parts in that song, and it only ramps up from there.

At this rate, we won't have the guitars completed until late June, but hey, at least they are finally getting done eh?

Then we are on to bass, guitar leads/solos, and then it's probably my turn. . . which reminds me, I have some work to do still (looks embarrassed).

I'll update you all again when we make some more progress.